Please fill out as accurately as possible and I'll be happy to give you a description of what I would recommend and an estimate of cost. You will be under no obligation -- Peggy Sealfon
Type of jewelry
Bracelet Necklace Earrings
Design is for
Man Woman Child
What is the purpose: Arthritis? Attract Love? Grief? Stress? Attract Properity? Is it for healing? For a specific ailment? Etc. Please be specific and include more than one use if you want.
Are there particular colors or gemstones you would like?
Please size for:
Small womanAverage womanLarge woman
Small manMedium manLarge man
My budget range is under:*
Email Address
Phone number with area code
Photograph of yourself or the person who the gift is for. (Since I am a certified Reiki Therapist, I can often design custom pieces with more powerful results if I can work with a photograph.)